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  • Image of Pangolin Ranbow - 'Free Range Variant'
  • Image of Pangolin Ranbow - 'Free Range Variant'
  • Image of Pangolin Ranbow - 'Free Range Variant'

"Pangolin Rainbow"
5 color reduction woodblock print, two split fountains.
Gamblin Oil Based Inks.
Stonehenge Natural 100% Cotton Rag .
8" x 11".
Edition of 20, Signed and Numbered.

A few years ago I stumbled upon a Pangolin. Never had heard of one/seen one before. I love all the strange animals, hedgehogs, armadillos, platypus and this guy just blew me away with the weirdness. I've since been somewhat infatuated with them. I felt it would be a great animal to get some rainbow-ish action going in his scales.I always love doing split fountains, and contrasting red with blue. This was an opportunity to get both done and temper with the purple. It really pops with eye fry in person. The lack of a border allows this Pangolin to roam freely.

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